January 10, 2023
More than 100 spaces created in Suffolk school expansion
![Exterior of Brooklands Primary School, Brantham](https://bedotdev.com/concertus/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/HEADER-Brooklands-PS-1.jpg)
Works to expand a primary school in Suffolk, creating more than 100 spaces for pupils, have completed.
The additional 105 spaces at Brooklands Community Primary School in Brantham will help cater for the growing local population, bringing the total number of spaces at the school to 315.
Construction works were completed by SEH French, while designed works were carried out by Concertus.
Simon Girling, Director of SEH French, said: “It’s been a pleasure to help provide additional school spaces to the local area. Education is a vital part of every community, and the expansion at Brookland Community Primary School will certainly ensure the growing population is catered for. We’d like thank the school for being so accommodating during the project, and all our supply chain and sub-contractors helping ensure a quality build.”
The £1.6 million project, funded from Suffolk County Council’s Capital Programme and a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocation from Babergh District Council, has provided the school with three new classrooms, a studio, small group room, toilets and additional parking. Landscaping works and an overlay of the current playground were also carried out during the project.
Plans for the expansion were made following the approval of a new residential development in Brantham.
Christine Davy, Headteacher at Brooklands Primary School, said: “The school site has experienced its most significant transformation since it was originally built, and our children have watched on with enjoyment as cranes to forklifts, bricklayers to electricians, have worked to build our stunning, state of the art new teaching facility.
“Years in the planning and months in the building our children will now see the transformation up close and be able to peak beyond the classroom doors, exploring the new block. September will see the first of many generations of children taught in this area.
“There has also been continued rejuvenation of the outdoor space, with the installation of a new trim trail and additional bike and scooter storage, extended car parking and increased early years outside space with climbing equipment, playground resurfacing and a new porch entrance into the school.”
Liz Harris, Principal Architectural Designer at Concertus Design and Property Consultants Ltd, said: “We are thrilled with the high-quality outcome of the school expansion. The design helps to provide another positive learning environment for the school.
“We are honoured to have been part of helping deliver this new building and look forward to hearing how the students get on in their new setting.”
Rachel Hood, Cabinet Member for Education, SEND and Skills, at Suffolk County Council, said: “This is a very worthwhile and prudent investment by Suffolk County Council. These additional places will make a significant and positive difference to pupils and staff at the school together with providing for the new families moving into the village.”