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What happens when supplier relationships sour! - HelloRex


What happens when supplier relationships sour!

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Working with various clients over the last 10 years, we frequently come across clients who have ended on a bad note with their service providers. Usually this is as a result of the service provider over promising and under delivering.

When working with service providers there are a few key elements we believe make a happy relationship:

[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”medal-first” icon_color=”268456″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”1st Place on Google Guy”][/rre_module_header]
Never listen to this guy! No one emailing or phoning you telling you they have reviewed your website and they can put you in 1st Place on Google will ever provide a good long term strategy to you. Just short term questionable traffic and various backlinks from tenuous sources.
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”diamond3″ icon_color=”159753″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”Be Crystal Clear on Activity”][/rre_module_header]
It’s far too easy to let the sales guy rattle off this list of meaningless terms Analytics, Key Reports, KPIs, SEO etc but actually what you need to understand is monthly what are you actually going to provide? After you remove the fluff the actual activity may make you consider the fee more clearly. “So you’re going to post a picture on Instagram with a funny caption once a month for $1000? YES”
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”list3″ icon_color=”753159″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”Managing Expectations”][/rre_module_header]
Google doesn’t make it easy for you to list above your competitors which may have been working for years to establish their search position. So managing everyone’s expectations is key to a good relationship. We usually find that the basics have been setup wrong, so getting those right then developing from there in a long term strategy will always provide better outcomes than manipulated short term gains.
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”phone-bubble” icon_color=”852456″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”Regular Reviews”][/rre_module_header]
Don’t leave it for 6 months then moan about lack of results, schedule a session each month to discuss what activity has occurred and what results have been off the back of the activity. Have visitor numbers grown? Have enquiries increased? Are they the right type of enquiries? And what are we doing next month.
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”stop-circle” icon_color=”456852″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”STOP”][/rre_module_header]
If an activity is not working, STOP ploughing away doing the same activities which are producing no results as it isn’t going to give you a different result six months later. Stop take the time to review your activities and tweak to see if you can improve your results.
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”bubbles” icon_color=”321788″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”Acceptance”][/rre_module_header]
Sometimes like any relationship it may not work out, and both parties should mutually end on a happy note wishing each other luck if it’s not working out. So look at your contracts to ensure there are no hidden cancellation fees which might sting at the end of a rocky relationship.
[rre_service icon=”pencil” icon_line=”trophy” icon_color=”741369″][/rre_service] [rre_module_header position=”left” title=”Success”][/rre_module_header]
The key to a successful relationship is understanding, taking on board the client’s business needs now and where they want to be in the future. Working hand in hand with you to deliver a long term strategy developed entirely for your business. Delivering incremental improvements month on month increasing your visitor numbers, enquiries and ultimately sales.

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