Which Social Media Channels are right for me?

With such a huge selection of Social Media Channels increasing daily businesses can spend time and resource maintaining their presence on channels which simply offer no value to their specific products or services. Don’t make that mistake, consider what is your best fit? LinkedIn LinkedIn is ideal for businesses providing services to other businesses. Businesses […]

Does CSR really add value to my business?

I hate the term CSR, it means something different to every person you speak to from donating some cash to a major charity to full blown founding your own charity. Many companies will splash CSR all over their website and never really embrace it or gain the value it can bring. CSR when down well, […]

5 Top Marketing Collateral Investments

Pens Pens can be super cheap, they can be super expensive but there is always a pen to suit your own budget. Everyone is always searching for a pen, my sofa must be like a tardis inside the number of pens I’ve lost in there. Giving pens to clients, out at events or just leaving […]

To automate or not to automate? That is the question

As the aging decision makers of yesterday retire and younger counter parts step in to take their place, interactions between customers and suppliers are changing. Gone are the days of keeping it local, wanting a visit and picking up the telephone. I don’t know about you, but it drives me mad if I can’t login […]

Sweet Idea Campaign

Sending sweets to prospects is becoming increasing fashionable, more and more creative ideas are hitting the desks of prospective buyers each and every day. Recently we have seen a small perspex box with a number lock on it filled with sweets and a label saying “call us for the code” a great idea for getting […]

Is there football on? ambush marketing

I don’t think the fact the World Cup is due to kick off on the 14th June could have been missed by anyone? even as someone who hates football (a complete let down for my dad) I can see the joy it brings people and enjoy the national pride it draws out. We have seen […]

Next Level Sidewalk Campaigns

We LOVE helping our clients thinking differently, walking down the high street your peripheral vision being sought by a multitude of colour from shop window displays and signage can become a blur as you focus on the floor or your mobile phone. Take your sidewalk signage to the next level. Develop a promotion or creative […]

Guerilla Lunch Campaign Idea

You are a business in the big city and struggling to get noticed, running light on marketing budget so cant splash out on flashy billboards or taxi/bus signage no problem! The majority of office workers will usually grab a coffee in the morning on route to the office, and grab a coffee and a sandwich […]

5 Marketing ideas for 4th July

July 4th has been celebrated since the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, however each year it sneaks up on businesses and they don’t take advantage of the holiday to promote themselves. Here are a few ideas for you to use in your own business to get the most out of the July […]

Marketing: The Calendar

The key to any marketing is frequency, brand awareness is developed through seeing your brand in multiple locations, multiple times. So often we see companies who haven’t updated their news/blog or social media channels in 12 months and then question why facebook isn’t working for them? Our approach is the “Marketing Calendar” simply starting with […]